Payment details

Payment of subscriptions and donations

There are a number of options set out below for paying subscriptions (£10 per household per year), and any additional donations that you wish to make. 

Paying via online banking

To do this you should use the following account details and enter them into your own online banking web page:

Payee: Friends of Morley Park
Bank: National Westminster Bank plc
Sort Code: 60-24-06   
A/C no: 92720412
Reference: First four letters of your surname plus your house number

It would save us administration if you could set up the payment as an annual standing order.

Paying via Paypal

You can use the button below to make a payment via Paypal. Please select the appropriate option from the drop down list.
Payment options

Setting up a standing order

If you wish to set up a standing order using a paper form you can download a form here which should be completed and returned directly to your bank.

Paying by cheque

If you wish to pay by cheque or cash please send your payment to the following address

FOMP Membership Secretary

25 Amity Grove

SW20 0LQ

Cheques should be made payable to Friends of Morley Park

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